[Updated] WiSTEM takes on Breast Cancer

[Updated] Women in Science, Technology, Electronics and Mathematics (WiSTEM) is taking on breast cancer awareness this fall, starting with a Breast Cancer Awareness Week Sept. 27-Oct. 2. The group opened its campaign with a slideshow presentation and appeal to students in the Monday upper school meeting, followed by a day of wearing pink. Other fundraising activities during the week included bracelet and cupcake sales.

The group is now recruiting and soliciting pledges for the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk on October 31 at Arena Green, Guadalupe River Trail in San Jose. The event is a 5k walk (3 miles), open to everyone,  to raise funds and awareness for the fight against breast cancer. In addition WiSTEM has a Men Against Breast Cancer component in their campaign to encourage men to take an active role in the fight against this terrible disease.