WiSTEM Club Raises More Than $2,000 for Impoverished Girls in Kenya

Harker’s Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (WiSTEM) club held its fundraising week in mid-November, earning more than $2,000 for WISER (Womens Institute of Secondary Education & Research), “an organization that provides health care and education to young girls who would otherwise be traded for cattle to support impoverished families,” said May Gao, grade 11, a WiSTEM officer. “Based on the amount we raised, we can provide textbooks, clean water and a safe place to live for multiple girls in Kenya.”

To raise funds, students sold pearl milk tea, cake pops and brownies made by Sadhika Malladi, grade 12. The week also included fun activities, such as Name the Scientist, in which people were challenged to identify female scientists based on portraits and biographical information.
