WinterSong Inspires with Choirs, Soloists and Instrumentalists

At the end of January, the upper school Conservatory had its annual WinterSong concert. This spectacular performance features Bel Canto, an introductory choir at Harker for students grades 9-11 known for the many musical genres it explores. Several of these were featured at the show, including musical theater, pop and classical, the last of which was particularly rich this year due to two special guests: Cantilena – Harker’s “all-classical-all-the-time” women’s ensemble – and Camerata – a mixed classical, choral chamber ensemble, who peform essential works in various languages. Each group performed one piece at WinterSong this year, directed by Susan Nace. Between the various groups as well as the solo artist, students from every upper school grade level were represented at this year’s event.

In addition to collaborating with soloists, Bel Canto also joined forces with a few talented instrumentalists. Jennifer Cowgill, Bel Canto’s conductor and the show’s director, was particular enthusiastic about the group’s rendition of “Old Dan Tucker.” She said, “Everyone had a wonderful time singing this American folk song,” which was accompanied by the fiddle and the bass, played by Toni Woodruff and Jeffrey Kwong, grade 12. Kwong and Woodruff also joined Paul Woodruff, a performing arts aide, on two movements from Vivaldi’s “Gloria.”

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