What’s Brewing Gives Parents of New Middle School Students an Inside Look at Campus Life

The Harker School held its second annual What’s Brewing event at the middle school, once again providing parents of new (or soon to be new) middle school students a chance to explore the campus and learn about all the exciting opportunities available for grade 6-8 students. The event started in the multipurpose room, giving everyone a chance to meet and socialize over muffins. After the meet-and-greet, parents of current middle schoolers gave tours of the campus, bringing the new-to-the-middle-school crowd to the buildings and classrooms their children will be spending time in.

Once the tour ended, parents went to the multipurpose room to hear a presentation by Chris Nikoloff, head of school, Cindy Ellis, middle school division head and Lana Morrison, the middle school dean. Together, they covered everything parents of new middle schoolers could want to know: how the day is broken up, what kinds of classes the students will be taking, global opportunities (such as the grade 6 trip to Japan), community life, clubs, middle school field trips and much more. At the end of the presentation, parents were given the opportunity to ask the administrators any other questions they might have about the campus, school life and academics at the middle school.

Danielle Holquin, the admissions director for grades 6-8, said her favorite part of the event was watching current parents give tours to the new parents. “I hope everyone left with a clear understanding of how middle school works,” Holquin said.