Visitors Revel in Upper School Art Display; Reception Draws Dozens

Following on the successful heels of the recent AP Studio Art exhibit, the upper school’s regular annual art exhibition is now on display in the Nichols Hall atrium. It features juried art selections and had an opening lunch time showing with DJ music sponsored by the Spirit Club.

This year’s exhibition juror was Teresa Cunniff, adjunct professor in the fine art department of San Jose State University, and a San Francisco-based mixed media installation artist and graphic designer.

There is an impressive array of advanced ceramics and sculptures on display at this, the upper school’s final art exhibit of the year, including a bust of Superman, number of female torsos (including that of a pregnant woman) and a Colgate toothpaste tube. Meanwhile, at a table nearby were the completed assignments of architecture students who had been charged with the daunting task of “creating a new possibility for mankind.”

Also on hand is a thought-provoking “What Matters” series of charcoal drawings depicting such controversial topics as technology, the societal concept of beauty, and hopes and worries for our global future. There are other drawings without such powerful messages but which could be equally appreciated for their simple beauty – such as a drawing showing white sugar cubes dropping down into a mug filled with dark coffee (realistic and tempting enough to make both coffee, and art lovers, return for a second look).

The Best of Show first place awards for the upper school’s juried art show went to: Seniors Derran Cheng for his drawing, concentration series; Tariq Jahshan for sculpture, concentration series; Rachelle Koch for her photography piece “Bibliophile”; Antonia Ipser for her solitude series; and Cherry Xie for her painting, “War”. Junior Simon Orr received first place in pop object, ceramics and freshman Shannon Su in graphic arts for her piece, “Jack and Jill.”
