Upper School Students Win Dozens of Awards in Greek and Latin Exams

Upper school Latin students scored big on national Latin and Greek exams, which were taken in March. In all, students won 24 gold medals, 13 silver medals, 12 magna cum laude certificates and six cum laude certificates.

In Latin I, Cobi Ashkenazi, Gr.9, won a gold medal, with silver medals going to fellow freshmen Apurva Tandon, Andrew Luo and Christopher Sund. Rising senior Karen Wong won a cum laude certificate.

Gold medals in Latin II were won by Eric Henshall, Gr. 10, and Simon Orr, Gr. 9, while Ram Menon, Gr. 9, and Samantha Walker, Gr. 10, earned silver. Matthew Carpenter and Nathan Hoffman, both Gr. 10, won magna cum laude, and Gr. 9 students Piyush Prasad and Robert Deng won cum laude.

Freshmen Sean Fernandes and Rahul Desirazu won gold medals in Latin III, where Eric Zhang, Molly Wolfe and Katherine Woodruff, all Gr. 9, earned silver medals. Magna cum laude winners in this category were Nisha Bhikha and Ravi Tadinada, both Gr. 9, Gerard Glasauer, Gr. 10, and recent graduate Lauren Guerra.

Harker took more gold medals in Latin III Honors Prose than in any other category, with Gr. 9 students Ashvin Swaminathan, Jonathan Cho, Nik Datuashvili, Pranav Sharma, Michael Cheng, Richard Fan, Shannon Su and Saloni Gupta, Gr. 11, all earning top honors. Suchita Nety and Anuj Sharma, Gr. 9, took home the silver, and Vivian Li, Gr. 10, earned a cum laude certificate.

In Latin IV Prose, Robert Maxton, Gr. 10, won gold, and fellow sophomores Ila Dwivedi and Christophe Pellissier both won magna cum laude awards.

Ramya Rangan, Gr. 10, was a big winner in Latin IV Poetry, earning a gold medal and a Perfect Paper award.  Other gold medal winners in this category were sophomores Alex Hsu, Ananth Subramaniam and Jessica Lin, and rising seniors Justine Liu and April Luo. Earning silver medals were Max Lan, Gr. 11, and Prag Batra, Gr. 10. Jason Kuan, Christine Hsu, both Gr. 10, and Supraja Swamy, Gr. 11, won magna cum laude certificates and Philip Oung, Gr. 10, won cum laude.

Graduate Anjali Menon won a gold medal in Latin V, while Alex Han, also Class of 2010, took silver and Colby Rapson, another recent graduate, won cum laude.

Recent graduate Brandon Araki was one point shy of having a perfect paper but still won the gold in Latin VI, as did fellow grads Sohini Khan and Maggie Woods.

In the national Greek exam, Menon earned a blue ribbon in the Greek Prose category, the highest honor, and missed earning a perfect paper by a single point. Menon also earned a red ribbon award in Greek Tragedy, missing another perfect paper by three points.

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