Upper School Student Receives San Jose City Council Commendation for Math Tutoring Program

Yesterday, rising senior Urvi Gupta was recognized for the second time this year for an innovative math tutoring program she created in November 2011 when she received a commendation from San Jose City Council members Rose Herrera, Xavier Campos and Kansen Chu.

In April, Gupta was named San Jose Public Library Volunteer of the Year for the creation of a math tutoring program at the San Jose Public Libraries called OneInMath, which assists students in K-3. The program aims to give young math students a solid foundation in mathematics that will help them in their later years. To date, more than 250 students have been helped by OneInMath. Gupta herself has managed the entire program, creating practice sheets and videos, designing the teaching method, training volunteers and more.

This is a great recognition for Urvi’s hundreds of hours of work and her dedication to the program to help young kids,” said Urvi’s father, Vivek. “It will also be a great recognition of Harker as a school that nurtures the students to be selfless, kind and giving.”

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