Upper school Latin students have successful weekend at JCL’s Ludi Novembres

This story was submitted by upper school Latin teacher Scott Paterson.

On Nov. 18, 23 Harker upper school students headed to St. Francis School in Sacramento to attend Ludi Novembres, a California Junior Classical League event. Nearly 400 students from 18 schools attended this event. Harker students earned 16 individual awards. Additionally, seven students won team awards for Certamen (Latin quiz bowl). 

Individual awards in Level 3 were won by grade 9 students Katie Li (tying for second place in grammar), Jason Lin (second place in mythology), Akshay Manglik (second place ties in derivatives and grammar), Maria Vazhaeparambil (first place in vocabulary) and Sara Yen (second place in vocabulary, tied for second place in grammar and derivatives).

Receiving individual awards at the advanced level were Timmy Chang, grade 11 (first place in daily life); Jeffrey Fung, grade 10 (first place in grammar, third place in reading comprehension); Kyle Li, grade 10 (first place in mythology, second place in vocabulary); Edgar Lin, grade 12 (first place in reading comprehension); and Kalyan Narayana, grade 10 (first place in vocabulary, third place in grammar).

In the Advanced Certamen Team Awards, Jeffrey Fung, Saloni Shah, grade 9, and Alex Young, grade 11, took first place, while grade 9 students Akshay Manglik, Sidra Xu and Sara Yen, along with senior Andrew Semenza, received second place awards.

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