Upper school debate wins LD nat’l championship, named Leading Chapter

After a four-way closeout, seniors Muzzi Khan and Rahul Mulpuri and juniors Ansh Sheth and Panav Gogte were declared the National Debate Coaches Association’s Lincoln-Douglas co-champions this week, making Harker the national Lincoln-Douglas champion for the third consecutive year. In another exciting development, Harker was presented with the Leading Chapter Award by the National Speech and Debate Association for consistently being the top program over the last decade, spanning 2012-2022. “I’m proud when the students win individual awards but especially love these team wide recognitions, because the record of every debater and speaker since 2012 contributed,” said Jenny Achten, speech and debate department chair. “I’m so grateful for the support the team receives from the school and the outstanding group of coaches I get to work alongside.”

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