Trip to Roudon-Smith a Special Treat

Winery owner and connoisseur Al Drewke hosted a memorable afternoon for ten lucky couples on March 21.

A featured auction sign-up at last fall’s Ye Olde Family Picnic, “the Roudon-Smith Tour is one of our most popular packages, and sells out in a hurry!” noted auction co-chair Becky Cox. Cox and her husband John were in attendance along with auction co-chair Lori Saxon and husband Ron, Kim and Pierre Pellissier, Pam Dickinson and John Near, Kathy and Steve Polzin, Jane and Butch Keller, Punita and Robert Bigler, Denise Broderson, Carol Underwood, Jianmei Piao and Haiping Jin.

The afternoon began outdoors with wine tasting and appetizer pairings.

Next came the tour, the history…and then the rain, which made for a cozy and memorable afternoon. Tasting and lunch continued indoors in the bottling room, which was a special treat, as were the souvenir bottles of Cabernet. The food was “amazing,” thanks to Harker’s own culinary staff, and the wine, “the best!”

“It was so much fun!” said long-time supporter and Harker Picnic auction enthusiast Kathy Polzin.

“Great people, great wine, great food! We’re all looking forward to signing up again next year!”