Tree Removal and Relocation Projects Make Way for Upcoming Athletic and Performing Arts Centers — Video Included!

During spring break, more changes were made to the upper school campus to prepare for the athletic and performing arts center construction project. First, the large oak tree in the campus quad, deemed unsalvageable, was cut down piece by piece before its massive trunk was removed.

The hundreds of ants and other bugs living in the tree were sent scurrying by the commotion. Finally, what remained of the stump was whittled down. On the following day, the three large boxed trees on Rosenthal Field were loaded onto a large flatbed truck by way of a 100-ton crane and relocated to a space just outside Nichols Hall. 

Arborists had previously dug out and crated these Coast Love Oak trees and over break they were moved to a holding spot prior to final re-planting on the Saratoga campus . Stay tuned for more updates on upcoming construction projects!
