[UPDATED] Student wins first prize in sculpture category in NUMU’s 2020 ArtNow exhibition

May 11, 2020

Last week, senior Ashna Reddy’s sculpture, “Soaked,” was awarded first prize in the sculpture category in New Museum Los Gatos’ 2020 ArtNow exhibition. The piece, an umbrella constructed from mesh, “explores the idea of uselessness, missing that which makes one whole,” Reddy wrote in her comments on the work. She was inspired to create the sculpture after witnessing the various ways in which the Earth’s “wholeness” has been depleted through human activity such as pollution and deforestation.

April 16, 2020

In March, pieces by senior Ashna Reddy and juniors Elliot Kampmeier and Maria Teplova were selected for the 2020 ArtNow exhibition by New Museum Los Gatos (NUMU). This annual juried exhibition highlights the top high school talent from Silicon Valley. The 76 entries in the exhibition were picked from more than 900 entries. The art for the exhibition was installed just before the museum closed in March due to California’s ongoing mandatory shelter-in-place. In lieu of a live reception, NUMU created a virtual tour to showcase this year’s exhibition. Each year’s ArtNow follows a different theme, and this year’s student submissions used water as the theme for their work. Pieces are evaluated and selected by a jury of university-level instructors. Prizes and scholarships totaling $10,000 are also awarded during the program.

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