The Florio String Quartet Named ‘Champions for Children’ by Prestigious Hospital

A January blog published by the Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford, titled “Five Champions for Children who Inspired Us in 2015,” named The Florio String Quartet among their champions.

The Florio String Quartet was formed by a group of upper school students (seniors Jason Lee, Luke Wu and Kevin Kim, and junior Cuebeom Choi) in hopes of reaching out with music and serving the less-privileged “with the joys of pop and classical music.”

In August the quartet hosted a fundraising concert benefiting Lucile Packard, featuring classical pieces by Haydn as well as contemporary favorites by artists such as Coldplay and The Rolling Stones.

“The members of the Florio Quartet care as much about sharing their music with the community as they do about the music itself. As a teacher this makes me very proud,” said upper school music teacher and the group’s namesake, Chris Florio, in the Lucile Packard blog post.

In lieu of an entry fee, The Florio String Quartet collected donations, raising more than $2,000 for patients and their families.

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