Tenth Annual Harker Research Symposium Shines

By Heather Rock Woods

This article originally appeared in the summer 2015 Harker Quarterly.

The community of researchers that Harker started building with its first research symposium in 2006 showed up in full force for the 10th annual event on April 11.

“We had a record number of student posters, student talks and exhibitors,” said symposium founder and director Anita Chetty, upper school science department chair. “The skills we’re teaching [students] about scientific research, they will take with them for a lifetime even if they don’t end up in a lab.”

Chetty cited the excitement of the teachers, staff, students and parents for expanding and sustaining this annual celebration of discovery and innovation.

This year’s event attracted about 450 to 500 people, including the community-minded Jin family. Shu Jin helped for months as a parent outreach coordinator for the event. His son Andrew, grade 12, presented his first-place work from the nationwide Intel Science Talent Search (STS). Andrew’s sister, Amy, grade 9, is also a researcher and a member of WiSTEM (Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), the club that helps organize and run the symposium every year.

Outfitted in white lab coats, members of WiSTEM and the Research Club introduced speakers and hosted the popular STEM Buddies stations, where kids viewed EEG images of their brain waves, rolled marbles onto a blue fabric representing space-time and much more.

In addition to the talks, attendees flocked to interactive booths set up by the exhibitors: DynoSense, Google, IBM, mCube, Nod Labs, NVIDIA, Palo Alto Medical Foundation/ Sutter Health, South Asian Heart Center, Technical Instruments, Tesla, Trek Medics International, Upgrademe and Verizon, plus student startup Sail Research, and the Infinities and Subatomic Smarticles robotics teams.

As the symposium has grown over the years, so has the stature
of research done by Harker students. Including Jin, 15 Harker students were named Intel STS semifinalists and three were finalists. In the most recent Siemens Competition, 13 students were California semifinalists and four of them regional finalists.

“Getting the opportunity to see all the incredible projects that the kids have done is really phenomenal,” said Harker alumna and keynote speaker Shabnam Aggarwal ’03, who graduated before the event existed.

Senior Steven Wang, one of 24 student speakers and one of the three Intel STS finalists, used computer methods to find a new gene associated with colorectal cancer and then tested the mutations in microscopic mini-organs in a Stanford University lab.

“I got to be on the forefront of organoid research and run my own experiment,” he said. “The lab niche was very fun. We ate lunch together and watched movies.”

Siemens regional semifinalist Ankita Pannu, grade 12, tackled the lack of organization in online cancer support group discussions.

“My main engineering goal was to help patients gather information,” said Pannu, who developed an algorithm to summarize and categorize information from posts. With no prior background in text mining, she asked for an informal internship at IBM’s research lab where a mentor pointed her in the right direction.

Throughout the daylong symposium, middle and upper school students displayed their endeavors on more than 50 posters in categories including engineering, nanoscience, microbiology, environmental science, bioinformatics and behavioral science.

Amy Dunphy, grade 9, purified the allergen in poison oak and worked on polymerizing it into a bigger chain of molecules to prevent transmission through the skin. She contracted the rash a few times in the name of science, but nodded yes without hesitation when keynote presenter James McClintock asked if she wanted to be a scientist.

McClintock is the endowed university professor of polar and marine biology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

“Antarctica is one of the richest marine environments on the planet,” he said, but rapid warming from climate change is altering the local weather and conditions that populations have depended on for millennia.

As the annual sea ice disappears, so do krill. Adélie penguins are declining as unseasonably late snow melts and floods their eggs. Sub-Antarctic gentoo and chinstrap penguins have moved in, as have king crabs. Antarctic marine life has no defenses against crushing claws.

“Communities always change, but over a few decades this is a profound change,” he said.

One of the repercussions could be the loss of medicinal chemicals; recent discoveries from Antarctic life include compounds active against cancer and H1N1 flu.

In the afternoon, father-son duo Suhas and DJ Patil had a “fireside” chat in wingback chairs in the auditorium, sharing their outlooks on education and entrepreneurialism.

Suhas, a former Harker parent (daughter Teja graduated in 2002), is the founder and retired chairman of Cirrus Logic, a semiconductor company. He’s seen in his son an example of where Silicon Valley
is headed: “Our young people will need to get trained or they must train themselves to be very agile with respect to what they work on.”

DJ is the first chief data scientist at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, and co-coined the term “data scientist.”

“Stick to your convictions,” he advised, “but listen to people and outside views to course correct.”

In a special session, John Wolpert, IBM’s Watson evangelist, discussed the new era of cognitive computing led by systems like Watson that can learn from context and see patterns in fragmented, unstructured data.

“It’s about extending the human capability,” he said, encouraging students to try solving problems with newly available Watson subsystems.

Watson algorithms have found new targets for cancer research and developed unique recipes praised by top chefs.

The second keynote speaker, David Mortlock, son of upper school statistics teacher Mary Mortlock, works at the White House as director for international economic affairs for the National Security Council.

Both in responding to the recent
Ebola outbreak and pressuring 
Iran through sanctions to return 
to nuclear negotiations, the U.S.
 government “really relied on research and development … to try and make the world a slightly more prosperous and safer place,” he said.

Having your proposals embraced by the president is thrilling, he said. “It takes 
guts to say, ‘I have an idea and people should listen to me.’ It’s really exciting to see [Harker students] doing the same thing here with your work and presentations.”

Harker Alumni Researchers Share Latest Updates

From introducing underrepresented minorities to mathematical problem-solving techniques to undertaking lab work focused on better understanding the Ebola virus in West Africa, Harker alumni researchers are involved in numerous incredible projects. Read on for the latest updates.

Yi Sun ’06 Intel finalist, Second Place National

Yin Sun ’06 is currently a fourth year Ph.D. student in the mathematics department at MIT. “My research is in representation theory, a branch of mathematics which gives a precise algebraic understanding of the symmetries of a system. I am particularly interested in connections between these algebraic techniques and recent applications to statistical mechanics and high-dimensional statistics,” he said.

Recently, Sun also has been collaborating with fellow Harker alumnus Tatsunori Hashimoto ’07 on a project in machine learning. Outside of research, for the last eight years he has been involved in teaching high school students at the Math Olympiad Summer Program. “This year, I’m helping organize MathROOTS, a new summer program at MIT (mathroots.mit.edu), to introduce underrepresented minorities to mathematical problem-solving techniques,” he added.

Frank Wang ’08 Intel semifinalist

Frank Wang ’08 reports that he
is currently a Ph.D. student in computer science at MIT, working on computer security.

Aaron Lin ’09 JSHS regional finalist

Aaron Lin ’09 lives in Boston. He attended Harker’s 
middle and upper schools. 
“Though I didn’t qualify for
Siemens or Intel, I learned
a lot about research while 
at Harker and had a blast
 at the local Santa Clara
 science fair, the California
 state science fair and the 
JSHS [Junior Science and 
Humanities Symposia].
 Since then, I’ve continued
 research. The summer after graduation, and again a second summer during college, I performed research in Mark Davis’ immunology lab at Stanford and co-authored a research paper there, which appeared in the Journal of Immunology in 2011,” he said.

At Princeton, he joined the virology and proteomics lab of Ileana Cristea during his sophomore year. “By graduation in 2013, I wrote a thesis and a first author research paper, which appeared in Molecular & Cellular Proteomics in 2013, and another co-authored paper, which appeared in Proteomics this year,” he recalled.

After college, Lin was accepted into the Ph.D. program in virology at Harvard, and is currently in his second year there. In December, he passed his preliminary qualifying exams and officially became a Ph.D. candidate. After rotating through a couple labs, he joined the lab of Pardis Sabeti in March 2014.

“Interestingly, I actually met [Harker senior and national Intel Science Talent Search winner] Andrew Jin, who joined the lab for a summer research project. Though our expertise and research interests didn’t overlap much, I was blown away by his end-of-the-summer lab meeting presentation, and it’s pretty clear to everyone that Andrew will continue to succeed in the future. It’s been productive for me as well, as I have co-authored one research paper in mBio in 2015, have another co-authored manuscript in Cell under review and another co-authored manuscript in preparation,” he noted.

At the moment, Lin’s work focuses on understanding the genomic variation among Ebola virus isolates in the current West African outbreak. His lab is a leader in the field of high-throughput, deep sequencing of inactivated genomes from BSL-4 viruses such as Ebola and Lassa virus, and is now using this data about viral variation to learn about viral transmission, improve field diagnostics, and inform vaccine and therapeutic strategies.

“It’s great to hear the amazing news about Andrew, and the rest of the other Intel and Siemens winners as well! The growth in the research program at Harker has been outstanding, and I’m sure that the current students are paving the way for themselves, and will continue to do so into the future,” said Lin.

Vishesh Jain ’10 Intel semifinalist

“It was exciting to hear about Andrew’s achievement, as well as those of all the student researchers at Harker over the past five years,” said Vishesh Jain ’10. Jain reported that he is excited to start medical school this fall. “During my gap year, I am doing cardiovascular research and volunteering at Stanford, and I am working at the biomedical nanotech startup Bikanta,” he added.

For Shabnam Aggarwal ’03 Failure was a Means to Success and Happiness

Thanks to serendipity, hard work, passion – and most of all, failure – Shabnam Aggarwal ’03 is the happy CEO of the education technology company she started in India.

The alumna keynote speaker for the 10th annual Harker Research Symposium, Aggarwal assured parents and students that “failure is not a four-letter word. Failure is inevitable and failure is necessary.” It teaches resilience.

She experienced a rough academic patch in high school, but got into Carnegie Mellon and earned an electrical and computer engineering degree. Then she shocked her parents by quitting her high-paying job at Merrill Lynch on Wall Street to teach English in Cambodia to girls who had escaped the sex trade. In pursuing her passion for equality in education, she later had “six hard years in India,” trying everything from teaching preschool to designing cell phone games.

“I failed many, many, many times before arriving at this solution,” said about her Delhi-based business KleverKid, which works to bring the best teachers, coaches and tutors to the kids who need them most.

She asked parents in the audience to imagine sitting in the back of a canoe, letting their kids paddle even if they aren’t steering the way you’d advise.

“Often they’re going to make the wrong decision, but what’s imperative for them to master is picking up again and doing it over and over until they succeed.”

Both of Aggarwal’s parents were in the auditorium, and she shared the stage with her dad for a few minutes. “Through all these zigs and zags she’s gone through, she’s never given up,” Avnish Aggarwal said. “The investors saw her passion and persistence.”

She returned the compliment. “There would be one less person in the world trying to make a difference if my parents and teachers had never given me the space to fail,” she said.
