Tamagawa Students Meet Harker Buddies, Observe Classes in Annual Visit

The anticipated meeting between several grade 6 students and their buddies from Tokyo’s Tamagawa Gakuen took place on Oct. 18, when global education director Jennifer Walrod picked up the Tamagawa students from the San Francisco airport and took them to Half Moon Bay. There, they enjoyed lunch on the beach with their Harker buddies, whom they met in person for the first time.

The following day, the Tamagawa buddies observed classes and went on a scavenger hunt with their Harker friends. In the evening, the students all enjoyed a special dinner at Nichols Hall at the upper school campus, where they got to see a dance performance and watched a magic show by well-known Bay Area magician Jay Alexander.

Other activities for the rest of the week included a trip to Crissy Field in San Francisco, a visit to the lower school for an origami project with lower school students and a Halloween art project during a special assembly.

After spending the weekend with their Harker buddies, the Tamagawa students took a separate bus to Yosemite, where they met again this week for one last time before the Harker students head to Japan in the spring.

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