Taiwan Delegates Visit Harker, Schools in Bay Area

A dozen educators from various educational institutes in Taiwan visited Harker in late October to learn more about Harker’s administration, college admissions preparation process and test preparation efforts.

After Nan Nielsen, director of admission, provided a tour of the upper school campus, the delegates from universities, high schools and the Ministry of Education of Taiwan met with Evan Barth, upper school dean of studies, to learn more about exam preparation and college acceptances. “My repeated answer was that we don’t really teach to the test here,” Barth said in response to questions about how Harker assists students in preparing for standardized tests. “We teach the academics and the preparation just comes.” Barth also offered them insight into the college application process, which entails meeting with students to set up an appropriate academic plan and talking to the college counselors.

Later that morning, Chris Daren, journalism teacher, and Samantha Hoffman, grade 10 and global editor for the Winged Post, offered insight into the journalism program and other extracurricular activities that are offered on campus. “I think they saw a school where students are trying to be well-rounded, and we have much to offer our student body to enhance their high school experience,” said Daren.

Taiwan delegates included representatives from National Chung Cheng University, Taipei Municipal Zhongzheng Senior High School, National Tsing Hua University, Lawrence S. Ting School, the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, National Taichung First Senior High School and the Department of Higher Education in the Ministry of Education of Taiwan. This visit was one of many visits to high schools, including Gunn High School and Fremont High School, in the Silicon Valley.

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