Tag: New York Times

Junior receives honorable mention in NYT Student Review Contest

On Wednesday, junior Trisha Iyer was named a finalist in The New York Times Student Review Contest, receiving an honorable mention for her review of an exhibit at the Legion of Honor museum in San Francisco. In this annual competition, teenagers review creative works in any discipline covered by The Times. 

Iyer’s piece analyzed the exhibit featuring the works of Chinese Fashion designer Guo Pei. “When I was deciding how to fill my days last summer, visiting the exhibit honoring Guo Pei at the Legion of Honor museum was a no-brainer,” she said. “Of course, I’ve watched runway shows on YouTube and admired the couture whipped up every season from afar, but this exhibit was my first time up close and personal with anything high fashion.”

The sight of Guo’s work juxtaposed with the other works featured at the museum was a major source of inspiration, and she felt compelled to write about her experience. “Seeing Guo Pei’s designs in real life, placed next to the museum’s oldest paintings, prompted a shift in my thinking: outfits like these weren’t just clothes, but fully-realized, embroidered, wearable works of art,” she recalled. “I was so in awe that I had to write down my impressions about the exhibit once I got home.”

Iyer later heard about The Times contest and “chose to dust off this piece and submit it because I felt proud and confident about my ability to share my enthusiasm for this exhibit with readers. It’s a lovely surprise to know that others enjoy reading this review as much as I enjoyed writing it.”

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Rising junior one of 12 winners in New York Times editorial contest

Last week, The New York Times announced that rising junior Nicole Tian is one of 12 nationwide winners in its seventh annual Student Editorial Contest. Tian’s piece, titled “This Land Was Made for You and Me,” discusses anti-Asian American sentiment during the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the expectations placed on Asian Americans in order for them to be considered fully American. 

The contest tasked students with writing a persuasive essay using both The New York Times and other sources. Winning essays were published in the Times’ Learning Network. The contest received more than 7,000 submissions from middle and high school students.
