Tag: longform

Harker Research Symposium Video Earns Award

Harker’s Office of Communication recently earned an Award of Distinction in the annual Videographer Awards competition for their video on the Harker Research Symposium. The video was part of an extended online multimedia piece entitled, “A Decade of Wonder,” about the Harker Research Symposium, which has been held since 2006. Other Award of Distinction winners in this annual contest included Comcast, Bell Helicopters, Bayer Healthcare, Brigham Young University, Dell Computers and University of Massachusetts.   Here is a direct link so you can watch full screen.

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Into the Fringe: Conservatory Takes ‘Into the Woods’ to Edinburgh

This special media-rich expanded feature story includes two videos and a slideshow from Scotland!  Click here for the full experience!

Students were all over the place, checking lights, testing sound, practicing bows and curtsies, making last-second adjustments to their pitch and phrasing. It was an April afternoon and the cast and crew of the upper school 2015 spring musical “Into the Woods” were moving restlessly about Blackford Theater. In just over an hour, they would finally play to an audience after months of preparation. Yet this was not so much the end of their effort as the beginning of another, as in a couple months they would be in the thick of the world’s largest arts festival. (continued)

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