Tag: JCL

Many top 10 finishes for Harker Latin students at national JCL convention

By Lisa Masoni, middle school Latin teacher

The theme of the 2019 National Junior Classical League Convention was “apes non sunt solitaria natura” (“Bees are not of a solitary nature”).  Harker students participating as members of the California delegation were certainly as busy as bees, attending workshops and contest sessions, assemblies and sporting events. In addition to helping California take the top place in the spirit competition for medium-size delegations, the students brought home the following top 10 places. (Note: Students compete at the grade and Latin level they just completed in June.)

Felix Chen, grade 6, Level 1/2:
        2nd in Ancient Geography, Greek Life and Literature, Roman History
        3rd in Classical Art, Hellenic History, Latin Literature, Mythology
        4th in Latin Derivatives, Reading Comprehension
        5th in Academic Heptathlon
        6th in Mottoes, Roman Life
        7th in Greek Derivatives
        8th in Latin Grammar
        9th in Latin Vocabulary, Overall Academics
        Felix also played on the California Novice Certamen (quiz bowl) team, which placed seventh.

Tiffany Chang, grade 8, Level 2:
        4th in Reading Comprehension
        5th in Sight Latin Reading
        9th in Latin Literature, Mottoes
        10th in Classical Greek, Essay
        Tiffany played on the third-place Open Certamen Intermediate team. 

       (Note: Open Certamen teams are made of players from various states.)

Rupert Chen, grade 8, Level 2:   
        2nd in Sight Latin Reading
        3rd in Reading Comprehension
        5th in Essay
        6th in Greek Life and Literature
        Rupert played on the third-place Open Certamen Advanced team.

Michelle Jin, grade 8, Level 2:
        2nd in Latin Literature
        4th in Mottoes, Sight Latin Reading
        6th in Classical Art, Reading Comprehension
        8th in Essay

Lauren Liu, grade 8, Level 2:
        4th in Reading Comprehension
        8th in Essay

Edward Sun, grade 8, Level 2:
        6th in Reading Comprehension
Jeffrey Fung, grade 11, Level 5+:    
        2nd in Reading Comprehension Prose, Sight Latin Reading (Poetry)
        3rd in Reading Comprehension Poetry
        4th in Ancient Geography, Classical Art, Greek Life and Literature
        5th in Latin Literature, Latin Vocabulary, Mottoes, Roman Life, 100 Meters Senior Boys Track
        6th in Classical Greek, Hellenic History, Mythology
        8th in Latin Grammar
        9th in Academic Heptathlon, Roman History
        10th in Greek Derivatives
        Jeffrey also played on the California Advanced Certamen (quiz bowl) team, which placed eighth.
Kyle Li, grade 11, Level 5+:   
        2nd in Hellenic History
        3rd in Classical Greek
        5th in Greek Life and Literature, Mythology
        6th in Reading Comprehension Prose
        7th in Reading Comprehension Poetry
        9th in Greek Derivatives

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