Tag: Harker Athletic Center

First upper school spirit rally at Athletic Center brings excitement and surprises

Today’s upper school spirit rally was a special one for the students, faculty and staff who either watched or participated in the many memorable moments that transpired at the Athletic Center. Onlookers were gleefully surprised at the flash mob formed by faculty and staff, who danced to loud cheers from the audience. Each class performed an energetic and thrilling dance routine, but it was the sophomores who stole the show with their “Star Wars”-themed spectacular, which featured a surprise appearance as Darth Vader by middle school history teacher Keith Hirota, whose son, Vance, is the grade 10 spirit coordinator.

A number of thrilling games finished off the competition for spirit points. Classes played a version of tic-tac-toe in which competitors had to race toward a makeshift game board made of hula-hoops and toss bags into the appropriate spaces. The “drag race” was a nail-biter that had students ride blankets as their classmates pulled them across the floor of the Zhang Gymnasium. The juniors ended up the eventual spirit winners, narrowly beating the seniors by 50 points. The sophomores and freshmen placed third and fourth, respectively.

Toward the end of the rally, upper school academic dean Evan Barth was recognized for his many contributions to the upper school community, which he has served since 2000. Barth is currently transitioning into his role as the middle school division head, which he will fully assume by the start of the 2018-19 school year.

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New athletic center opens, hundreds attend celebration


More than 600 Harker community members attended the opening celebration of Harker’s athletic center on Friday evening. The celebration included heartfelt thanks from Harker faculty and administrators to all who made possible the construction of the new building, as well a special dedication to longtime head of school Howard Nichols, for whom the court in the facility’s 12,000-square-foot gym is named. See the embedded slide show for more photos from the event, and view the accompanying video for a look at the massive construction effort and the reactions from the first student athletes to set foot in the center. 

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