Tag: Harker Academy

Class Notes — Harker Academy 1959-1991 – Harker Quarterly Spring 2016

This article originally appeared in the spring 2016 Harker Quarterly.


In the summer 2014 Harker Quarterly, we ran a feature story about Judge John Owens’ appointment to a seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, the nation’s largest appeals court.

On Dec. 2, he visited Harker’s lower school where he talked with the third graders about his life as a judge. And in early March, he spoke to the upper school student body during a morning assembly titled “Honors and Ethics,” sponsored by the Honor Council.

Class agent Loren Due and class committee member Kalei Kelly recently dropped by the alumni relations office for an informal lunch and to reminisce over yearbooks.

Jon Mays is keeping busy as editor of the San Mateo Daily Journal, where he has worked for many years. The Daily Journal is the leading local news coverage on the Peninsula. To view the paper: www.smdailyjournal.com.

Pat Walsh, longtime Harker math teacher and former boarding school supervisor, recently caught up with Humberto Armenta, who came to Harker’s boarding school from Monterrey, Mexico, as a fifth grader in 1981-82. Over a leisurely dinner, Humberto filled Pat in on his work over the past two decades as owner of a successful construction company called REC- SA (Regiomontana de Construcción y Servicios) in Mexico. “Having dinner with him, his daughter Anna (16) and son Humberto (10) the Friday before the Super Bowl was a blast! My wife, Terry, was there. She was the dorm house- parent at the time, so she knew Humberto well, too. My son Kevin [’01] was also at dinner. Humberto was in town to take some clients and his children to the Super Bowl. He has three other children, but they did not make the trip,” recalled Pat, adding that he and Humberto plan to stay in touch.


Joe Tremba is married to Amanda Hubber and living in Valley Village, a neighborhood in the San Fernando Valley. They are having fun playing with their new, very small puppy named Porkchop.


Found at last! The missing Class of 1993 time capsule was located while excavating to move the oak trees on Rosenthal Field. Facility manager Mike Bassoni and his crew found the long-lost 1993 time capsule. “It’s quite large, currently stored in the alumni closet, and the Class of 1993 is considering either a capsule-opening party, or a big 25 year reunion/capsule-opening bash!” said Karri Baker ’84, director of alumni relations.

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Class Notes — Harker Academy 1959-1991 – Harker Quarterly Winter 2015

This article originally appeared in the winter 2015 Harker Quarterly.


We are saddened to announce that retired Harker employee and alumnus Dan Gelineau passed away in his home recently. Memorial services were held in November.


Louis Lai came by for lunch with Harker alumni and advancement staff to talk about old times and current happenings. Louis lives in the East Bay and has fond memories of more than 10 years spent at Harker as both a student and camp counselor.


Karri (Sakai) Baker, Kristin (Marlow) Quintin and Elise (Tremba) Robichaud reconnected during a Halloween party held at the Willow Glen home of current Harker parents Fabio Marino and Robin Feinman-Marino (Sofia Marino, grade 3). A spooktacular time was had by all!

Kristin also reconnected with Matthew Douglas. “While traveling to England on a business trip this past September, we were able to schedule a day to visit in his hometown, Farmham.

His wife and daughter prepared the most lovely lunch and then we all went out sightseeing,” she shared. “Matt and I connected on Facebook through the alumni site. I was excited to reach out to him. After 31 years, we were able to not just chat on Facebook but to have a wonderful face-to-face visit with my husband and his family. Priceless!”


Last year in Harker Quarterly we ran a feature story about Judge John Owens’ appointment to a seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, the nation’s largest appeals court, which shapes federal law from districts in California and eight other Western states. On Dec. 2, he returned to Harker’s lower school to visit with the third graders to talk about his life as a judge.

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Class Notes — Harker Academy 1959-1991 – Harker Quarterly Fall 2015

This article originally appeared in the fall 2015 Harker Quarterly.


Former Harker boarding school student Danielle Glosser wrote in that she has lived in Washington, D.C., for half of her life. While attending graduate school at The George Washington University, Danielle worked for the National Conference for Community and Justice in the city’s Anacostia neighborhood, fighting all forms of discrimination. Later, she pursued her interest of becoming a diversity trainer by working with a firm that conducted organizational development programs for Fortune 500 companies. Danielle had the opportunity to continue her work with adults on such issues with the Clinton administration’s Initiative on Race program. Danielle primarily worked with religious leaders on plans to engage more people in a national conversation. Most recently she started a firm, Client Raiser, that helps artists increase the visibility of their art and attract clients. She established Client Raiser (www.clientraiser.com) to help artists achieve their business goals through customized plans of action. Ironically, Danielle’s company has brought her back to familiar territory as one of her clients has commissioned a number of works for The White House Historical Association. Danielle describes her experience at Harker as a defining period in her life. “Harker exposed me to a diverse student body that taught me the importance and richness of working with people of other races, religions and cultures,” she shared.

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Class Notes – Harker Academy 1972-1991 – Harker Quarterly Summer 2015

This article originally appeared in the summer 2015 Harker Quarterly.


Stephen Worsley is living and working abroad as a private traveling chef. Read all about it in the Alumni News section on page 57.


Andre Woodvine wrote that he attended Harker Academy from 1973-76 and has fond memories of playing in the Harker band under musical director Dana Morgan. In 1976 his family immigrated to the Caribbean island of Barbados.

After initially studying for a career in sciences, Andre realized his abilities and love for music were stronger. In 1986 he earned a music degree from Berklee College of Music in Boston. Andre has released four albums of 
in the 
 of an 
ate degree of music program in Barbados, and regularly performs concerts in France and the Caribbean. “Follow your passions toward your own definition of success” is Andre’s advice to future musicians.


Harker lower school math teacher Pat Walsh recently had the opportunity to reconnect with David Owens, whom he taught back in the fifth grade. Now David works as a grade 5 teacher himself, 
at Hall Middle
 School in Lark
spur. “I’ve attached a photo
 of me with my
 wife, Karen,
 from our annual 
fifth grade Colonial Day. We
 co-teach two 
grade 5 classes.
 We currently live in San Francisco,” he said.

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Class Notes — Harker Academy 1959-1991 – Harker Quarterly Winter 2014

This article originally appeared in the winter 2014 Harker Quarterly.


Alan Stevens sends a warm “aloha” from Maui, where he now resides. Previously, he lived in Pasadena and worked as the general manager for Gryphon Corp. for 15 years. Four years ago, after his father passed away, he relocated to Hawaii to be near his mother, who was living there by herself. He has taken up paddle boarding, enjoys taking his girlfriend’s dog out for walks on the beach and gardening, and is learning American Sign Language; he also helps take care of his mother’s house. “I put a new roof on the house and next year I am going to build another rental myself. I also learned how to blow glass. I belong to the Rotary Club of Kihei-Wailea and am active in the community. Last but not least, I finally have the time to pursue my passion, which is playing music. I am currently in three bands as a guitar player and working on a solo project,” he said.


Michael Cini is keeping busy as a juvenile probation officer with Maricopa County, Ariz., where he has worked for nearly 18 years while raising his two teenage children. Reflecting back upon his time at Harker he said, “My favorite memory was when actor Burt Young came to Harker and signed autographs for everyone there. I still have it to this day. Also I have fond memories of playing tetherball.”

Monette Matkovich Lindblom is a U.S. Marine Corps Veteran. “I’ve been living in Reno for almost 20 years with my husband, Monte. We have two children, Letishia (24) and Zachary (14). We have a grandson, Cash (1). Letishia is expecting another baby boy in December! My favorite memory would be of doing a commercial skit in Miss Conway’s third grade class. We were sitting in a rowboat singing the Oscar Meyer bologna song! I also remember playing out at recess that year while it was snowing. We were all so happy that day because it rarely snowed in San Jose,” she recalled.


Joe Chen recently visited the Saratoga campus, site of the school’s former boarding program. Here he is shown taking a selfie with Pam Dickinson, director of Harker’s Office of Communication. Joe had just completed a month- long rotation at the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center and was soon headed back to medical school at Creighton University in Nebraska. “We were having fun touring the old dorm area and this photo was taken outside what was once Joe’s dorm window,” recalled Pam.


Class Notes — Harker Academy 1960-1991–Harker Quarterly Spring 2014


Margie Harris reports that Shirley Temple Black’s only son, Charles Black, Jr., was a 1966 graduate of Harker. “I know this to be the case because I went to school with [Linda] Susan Agar, Mrs. Black’s oldest daughter, and would see her younger brother in his uniform when he would attend school plays at Castilleja,” she recalled. 


Steve Worsley sends his regards from Bonn, Germany, where he is working as a chef. During the course of his career, he has traveled to some 134 countries. 


The Class of 1975 mourns the loss of John DeLucchi who died in October of brain cancer. He worked as a firefighter in Las Vegas. 


Marcus Sharei reports that he got married in November. 


Entrepreneur Chris Kelly gave an address at the State of the Valley, Silicon Valley’s annual town meeting. Nearly 1,300 people packed the 2014 conference on Feb. 7 at the Santa Clara Convention Center. The day began with an update on the region’s economy and Chris addressed whether Silicon Valley’s innovation could solve social and political problems. A number of current Harker students were in attendance, and had the opportunity to chat with him after his talk. 


Class Notes — Harker Academy 1960-1991–Harker Quarterly Winter 2013


Joyce Bogner Bohn said she has really enjoyed reading about fellow alums’ travels in the Harker Quarterly. “Since so many of you have great travel experiences, I thought I would share with you one of my recent ones,” added Joyce, who recently served as a volunteer for a week on the Ionian Dolphin Project in Greece. “I got to spend a week learning about and photographing dolphins on the Ionian coast. I highly recommend this for a teacher enrichment experience or for parents and students,” she said. 


Elizabeth Sabatino Smith had quite an interesting display at the Art Object Gallery in San Jose’s Japantown. For an entire year, the South Bay artist dressed and painted only in one color. Then she did that four more times, selecting a different color each year. The result was “A Celebration of Color,” an exhibition of more than 50 of her monochromatic paintings featuring entire walls of yellow, red, green and blue, plus a collection of pieces in black, white and gray. The paintings were all offered for sale to benefit two of Smith’s favorite causes, Sacred Heart Nativity Schools in San Jose and Mulberry Farm School in Santa Rosa. Guests at the evening reception also were asked to share briefly in Smith’s challenge by dressing head to toe in a color of their choice. Smith herself wore a rainbow dress to the event. 


To welcome the school year back in the fall, kindergartners and their families gathered at the lower school to socialize and enjoy delicious food, which was generously donated in part by Brown Chicken Brown Cow, a new restaurant recently opened in Campbell by Chris Yamashita. If you haven’t yet had the chance to check it out, stop by! 


Class Notes: Years 1959-1972 Harker Academy Early


In the spring issue of Harker Quarterly, we ran a class note with Margie Harris reporting that Shirley Temple’s only son, Charles Black, was a student at Harker who graduated in 1966. However, it was brought to our attention that Charles, in fact, graduated from Harker’s predecessor, the Palo Alto Military Academy. We regret the error.


Class Notes: 1972-1992 Harker Academy Late


Class Agents:

Jerry Chi got engaged to his longtime girlfriend, Shirei Jiyoung Hori, in February on their “1,000th-day anniversary.” Their wedding will be in Seoul, Korea, later this year. Jerry also will be shifting roles where he works at Google, from analyzing ads to analyzing Google Play/ Chrome/Android for the Asia- Pacific region.

Ryan Moreland (MS ’98) is finishing up his first year as an MBA student at The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. He is also celebrating the five-year anniversary of his winery, Corvalle Napa Valley. In the past year, Ryan visited Japan, Guatemala and Belize, and embarked on a two-week leadership retreat on a glacier in Alaska. This summer, Ryan will be interning as a strategy consultant in Los Angeles.
