Tag: eweekly

Harker Preschool specialists speak at annual kindergarten conference

Two Harker Preschool teachers recently attended the California Kindergarten Association’s conference in Santa Clara. The annual gathering brings together pre-K, transitional kindergarten, kindergarten and grade 1 teachers from across the state to share best practices and innovative strategies for engaging young children. The theme this year was STREAM (science, technology, reading, engineering, art and math).

Mara Beckerman, preschool music and movement specialist, and Robyn Stone, preschool STEM specialist, both spoke at the conference.

More than a score of teachers attended Stone’s workshop, titled “Mathematize This!” Attendees posted many positive reviews, including, “This has been the most valuable workshop so far. It was an ‘aha’ workshop! Awesome presenter, I learned so much.” Another reviewer said, “Great ideas to use in the classroom. Showing activities we can use. Great ideas I can’t wait to use.”

Beckerman held a workshop called “Using Music and Movement to Educate the Whole Child.” Her workshop focused on giving teachers ways to incorporate creative movement into their classrooms, and how to use songs, rhymes and books to inspire such experiences. About 60 attended, Beckerman noted. Attendees who evaluated her online posted many kind remarks, including “So much useful information regarding child development and how it correlates/grows by using music and movement. Loved doing the exercises!” and “This was my favorite class of the conference. Can’t wait to use her ideas in my classroom.”

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Grade 7 team is a global finalist in DECA Idea Challenge

Harker’s middle school DECA Idea Challenge team is a global finalist!

The team, named Insulator Warrior Inc., is a finalist in the elementary/middle school category. Members of the team are Markus Zhang, Rohan Bhowmik, Arjun Barrett and Gordon Chen, all grade 7.

The annual Idea Challenge, held during Global Entrepreneurship Week, invites students to pitch an innovative new product that uses a mystery item. This year’s item was a rubber band; teams had to generate a new use for this traditional product. Check out their video showing a really innovative use of the humble rubber band! There were 2,255 submissions from teams around the world. Other finalist teams are from Bermuda, Canada, The United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom. The global winners will be announced Jan. 23.

Read more about the contest.

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Grade 1 students take cultural journey through Cantor Arts Center

Last week, grade 1 students visited the Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University for an up-close look at works from various periods. Auguste Rodin’s famous sculpture “The Thinker” was a favorite of the students, who tried to imitate the sculpture’s pose and “discovered how awkward the pose actually is!” reported teacher Cindy Proctor.

Elsewhere, students engaged in an activity in which they studied two paintings to gather information on each of them. “One of the paintings was of the Stanford family,” Proctor said. “The children looked closely and were able to tell the docent quite a bit about the family based on the painting.” After examining another painting, the students constructed a story about a daring river rescue.

Other highlights included spotting geometric patterns in a mural and perusing the museum’s renowned collection of Rodin sculptures, one of the largest in the world.

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Vegesna Grant recipient shares benefits of Rome classes with students, fellow faculty members

Clifford Hull, upper school Latin and history teacher, spoke to fellow faculty members recently about his six-week summer experience at the American Academy in Rome, made possible by a Vegesna Teacher Excellence Endowment grant. Hull noted how the experience has informed his teaching, and how he will share his experiences so other Latin and history teachers and classes can benefit.

In 2015 Harker parents Raju and Bala Vegesna founded the Teacher Excellence Program to “enhance and further teachers’ abilities in a manner that has a direct and demonstrable impact on student learning.”

Hull attended the Classical Summer School program at the American Academy in Rome from June 14-28, participating in weekly classes, including From Prehistory to the Early Republic, ca. 1000-500 BCE in week one, through the centuries, to the week-six class, Late Antique & Early Christian Rome, 312-500 CE.

Classes included lectures, Latin reading groups and a number of field trips, including one to Pompeii to observe the relics from the Mount Vesuvius eruption in 79 A.D. Hull noted, among other statistics, that he walked 246 miles exploring ruins and Rome, and took more than 8,500 photographs.

“The program also helped me to gain further evidence to support the influence of Roman culture in our contemporary society,” Hull said. “This will further help me develop a greater appreciation and sense of relevance of the study of Latin, and that of the ancient Romans, in my students who live in the 21st century.”

Hull noted he created an extensive visual library of Latin inscriptions and other realia to help him develop a curriculum to disseminate the information on different knowledge and interest levels. He plans to present to seventh and eighth graders in Lisa Masoni’s Latin classes and has a standing offer to speak in any class covering related topics.

He added that he has been invited by the California Junior Classical League to offer two workshops for students and teachers at its annual State Conference held in Palo Alto in April 2018.

Harker faculty apply for the grant by submitting an application detailing the enrichment project they would like to complete. Teachers have studied in groups, by themselves, in the United States and abroad, and each has returned with a fresh perspective on his or her subject and lots of stories to tell! Harker provides several ways for returning grant recipients to share their knowledge with their colleagues, so it is not just the students who benefit from the learning that the teachers bring home.

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Grade 4 toy drive delivers more than 400 toys to families in need

Today, the grade 4 holiday toy drive came to a successful end as students delivered 435 toys to St. Justin’s Community Ministry in Santa Clara. All Bucknall families were invited to join the 10-day effort by bringing unwrapped toys to the lower school gymnasium lobby. Each year, St. Justin’s serves thousands of people by providing necessities, such as food and clothing. The annual holiday toy drive gives underprivileged families the opportunity to “shop” for the ideal toys for their children. Elementary division head Kristin Giammona and lower school dean of students Mary Holaday accompanied the students during the drop-off at St. Justin’s, which was no doubt glad to receive the massive contribution!

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Middle schoolers provide more than 400 gifts to Family Giving Tree

Middle schoolers worked hard to fulfill holiday wishes for families in need during the campus’ Family Giving Tree drive, which ended on Monday. In late November, students were given wishes to fulfill and in the subsequent weeks set out to acquire the gifts described in the wishes. In all, more than 400 gifts were donated to help local families have a happy holiday season!

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Upper school students carry out holiday community service efforts

Upper school students have been busy with service projects this holiday season! On Monday, students loaded up vehicles with 170 gifts to be donated to Family Giving Tree, which each year delivers goods to thousands of impoverished Bay Area families. Additionally, Harker sponsored 10 families through Family Supportive Housing’s Adopt-A-Family program, sending provisions to families in crisis during the holiday season, and students helped carry out a drive that provided two carloads of basic necessities to local charity Sunday Friends.

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Lower school musicians perform at Winter Concert

The Lower School Winter Concert on Dec. 7 brought together lower school instrumental and vocal groups – including the choir, orchestra, jazz ensemble and string ensemble – to perform a variety of well-loved tunes, including several holiday favorites. As a special treat, middle school and after-school music instructors took the stage for a special group performance of their own!

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Ashvin Swaminathan ’13 adds Morgan Prize for mathematics research to his laurels

The American Mathematical Society today announced that Ashvin Swaminathan ’13 was awarded the 2018 AMS-MAA-SIAM Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student! Swaminathan received the award for exceptional research in algebraic geometry, number theory and combinatorics. His work has appeared in numerous well-regarded professional level journals.

Swaminathan also has been awarded Princeton’s Centennial Fellowship, a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, the Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans, a Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and the David B. Mumford Prize (for most promising mathematics concentrator at Harvard). Some of his research has been in the University of Minnesota Duluth Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program and the Emory University REU program.

For more information on this award and Swaminathan, see the AMS press release.

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Harker DECA celebrates DECA Month with multiple chapter events!

By Radhika Jain, grade 10

Harker DECA celebrated November (National DECA Month) this year with numerous chapter events intended to bring the school community together and excite members of the chapter for the upcoming DECA competitive season. Aside from hosting numerous activities, Harker DECA also completed the #DECAMonth Social Media Challenge by posting daily on handles, including Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat.

DECA Launch

Hosted by the Harker DECA officer team, DECA Launch is a two-day event held Aug. 21-22 for potential new members or returning member of Harker DECA. DECA Launch consists of workshops, activities and lectures to introduce potential new members to DECA, and it gives returning members a head start for the school year. The event is held in the Innovation Center at the upper school campus.

This event allows new members to experience a taste of DECA prior to the school year by giving them a glimpse of all aspects of the chapter. The officer team hosts DECA Launch to educate new members and get them excited for the upcoming DECA year. This year, more than 60 students attended DECA Launch. They had the opportunity to learn about various competitive events, listen to student entrepreneurs, participate in an Idea Challenge, bond with officers and more. Overall, the event encouraged many new members to join DECA.

Ice Cream Social

Harker DECA hosted an Ice Cream Social outside Manzanita Hall after school on Friday, Nov. 3, to kick off DECA Month. An annual event, the Ice Cream Social was the perfect way to end a long week of school. Members of the officer team handed out free ice cream with unlimited toppings for all students to enjoy, which was a well-appreciated treat. The Ice Cream Social marked a great beginning DECA Month, and it brought members of the school community together.

“Kicking off DECA Month, the Ice Cream Social allowed the Harker community to bond with one another on a rainy day,” said Ishaan Chandra, grade 10, director of community engagement. “The line went outside the door, and that was really exciting to see.”


Our largest event of DECA Month was held on Thursday, Nov. 9. Harker DECA collaborated with Harker Spirit to organize a game of dodgeball for the entire student body, held in the main gym at the upper school during lunch.

Many students from the Harker DECA chapter, as well as other students, gathered in the gym to cheer on their classes for spirit points. Freshmen went up against the juniors, while sophomores played against the seniors. Alongside dodgeball, the officer team covered the awareness portion of the event by selling boba from Teaspoon in front of Manzanita Hall. All proceeds went toward the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA). Furthermore, we invited MDA representative Victoria Trujillo to come in between games and discuss MDA’s partnership with DECA, as well as to raise awareness for the MDA and present opportunities to get involved.

“Dodgeball was a very enjoyable event for not just students, but also teachers. It was a great opportunity for them to have fun in the midst of their stressful school weeks,” said Shreyas Chandrashekaran, grade 12, co-CEO of Harker DECA. “It was the first time dodgeball was brought back to the school in a few years, and DECA and Spirit were proud to be able to organize it.”

In the dodgeball matches, the juniors ended up winning against the freshmen, while the seniors defeated the sophomores. On Friday, Nov. 17, the sophomores and freshmen competed in a consolation round for third place, while the juniors and seniors played for the championship.

The seniors took first place against the juniors, and the sophomores acquired third place over the freshmen. To encourage students to attend, Harker DECA promoted the event by posting on various social media sites, such as Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and Facebook. Furthermore, representatives of the chapter volunteered to say a few words at various school meetings, and a video was made to advertise the event.

Although dodgeball was organized as a way for students to unwind and have fun in the midst of schoolwork, its primary purpose was to raise money for the MDA, a great organization that serves a great cause. Through boba sales, Harker DECA raised about $600 for the nonprofit.

“I really love DECA’s partnership with MDA for multiple reasons, one being the fact there are so many enjoyable ways to raise money,” said Allison Jia, grade 10, director of written events. “I’m really glad that the chapter is also recognizing the charitable aspect of the event through food sales. I think it is a great idea.”

Dodgeball turned out to be an extremely successful event, with a great turnout of students at the games as well as a respectable amount of money raised for the MDA. Through this event, many students were inspired to continue or begin raising money for all sorts of nonprofit organizations. As dodgeball came to an end, many students left feeling motivated to make a difference in the world by contributing toward charities and associations similar to the MDA.

Yard Sale

On Friday, Nov. 10 from 3-5 p.m. during our weekly study session, Harker DECA sold limited-edition merchandise from the Harker business and entrepreneurship department programs, including DECA, TEDx, BEcon and more. Held in the Innovation Center, students were able to purchase sweatshirts, T-shirts and other items from previous years at extremely reduced prices. All money raised from this event went toward the MDA. Overall, the Yard Sale was an immense success. Aside from raising more than $250, the event attracted countless students, including many not currently involved in DECA.

“The Yard Sale was a great opportunity for students to purchase business and entrepreneurship merchandise and raise money for MDA,” said Ronit Gagneja, grade 10, director of finance. “It also was helpful in promoting the B.E. program throughout the school, as students in and out of the programs came out to purchase clothes.”

Movie Night

On Friday, Nov. 10 at 7 p.m., members of the Harker DECA chapter traveled to AMC 14 in Saratoga for an annual tradition: Movie Night! This year, the chapter watched “Thor: Ragnarok,” released on Nov. 3. This event was a great opportunity for members to bond with one another and relax with their friends after a long, busy day. Candy was also handed out to the students, and all proceeds from the event went to the MDA.

Mock Conference and Alumni Panel

On Tuesday, Nov. 12, Harker DECA held a Mock Conference and an Alumni Panel in the upper school’s Innovation Center after school from 3-6 p.m.; both events were open to all members of the chapter. The annual Mock Conference gave members a chance to take a practice exam, participate in a roleplay tournament, work on their written plans and presentations, and receive advice from officers and mentors. Since many of the attendees were first-year members, the Mock Conference gave them a realistic taste of their first competitive experience.

Afterward, we hosted an Alumni Panel by Skyping DECA alumni (or inviting them to attend in-person). They discussed their journeys as members of the Harker DECA chapter and the impact that DECA had on their lives in high school, college and beyond. The Alumni Panel was also a great chance for members to learn more on how to be competitively successful.

Middle School Announcement

On Monday, Nov. 13, two Harker DECA officers, as well as our advisor, traveled to the middle school for an announcement regarding the DECA Idea Challenge. Students were told about the logistics of the challenge, the mystery item they had to use, and the potential prizes involved if they win.

Many students were intrigued and immediately started brainstorming as the mystery item of rubber bands was announced. Also, interested students had the chance to ask questions at the end to gather more information about the Idea Challenge and DECA in general. This announcement was the perfect opportunity to encourage entrepreneurships for students to think outside of the box and try something new. Not only that, it encouraged them to consider joining DECA when they begin their high school journey.

Red Cross Assembly Kits

On Monday, Nov. 13 during lunch, Harker DECA collaborated with the Red Cross Club to assemble disaster kits for those bearing losses from the recent natural disasters. Members of the chapter came together to raise awareness for all those affected by the catastrophes. Members of the chapter worked together to assemble kits that included toothbrushes, toothpaste, Band-Aids, hand sanitizer and more. Through this effort, Harker DECA hopes to express its sympathy for those affected by the natural disasters, while also giving back to the larger community beyond just our school campus.

Bagels for Business

On Wednesday, Nov. 15, during the school day, the Harker DECA officer team handed out free bagels from Noah’s Bagels in front of Manzanita Hall, which is our school cafeteria. Alongside the bagels, several other officers provided information about the B.E. program here at Harker and educated students on ways to get more involved. This event helped attract more members to not only the DECA chapter, but the entire B.E. program. Many students left feeling more encouraged to participate in various entrepreneurship opportunities. Furthermore, the bagels were a nice treat amidst the stressful school week, epitomizing Harker DECA’s focus on the school community and student well being.

“I think it was really nice of Harker DECA to provide bagels for students, especially if they were stressed and tired,” said Roma Gandhi, grade 10. “It was definitely something that cheered them up and made their day.”

Christmas in the Park

On Tuesday, Nov. 21 from 10 a.m. to noon, Harker DECA went to Christmas in the Park in Downtown San Jose to decorate our very own Christmas tree. A beloved local tradition, Christmas in the Park encompasses the holiday spirit and features decorations created by local organizations and schools. This year, Harker DECA received a tree to decorate. Members had the opportunity to come together as a chapter and enjoy the holiday festivities by DECArating (decorating) the tree. Our tree, which was DECA-themed, added to the beauty of the park that will be enjoyed by thousands of visitors for the holidays throughout the holiday season.

As the DECA competitive season approaches, Harker DECA continues to prepare at the remaining study sessions and looks forward to having a great year!

About The Harker School DECA

Harker DECA is an International Competitive Business Organization that prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in four fields of business: marketing, finance, hospitality and management. Our DECA chapter integrates classroom instruction, applies learning, connects to business, and promotes competition in order to prepare the next generation to be academically prepared, community oriented, professionally responsible and experienced leaders.

To learn more about this story, please contact: Radhika Jain, director of communications 20RadhikaJ@students.harker.org www.harkerdeca.org

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