Student filmmakers congratulated by San Jose mayor, former presidential candidate Andrew Yang

Last month, juniors Jason Lin, Sara Yen and Amar Karoshi were declared the grand prize winners in C-SPAN’s StudentCam contest for the documentary “Cmd-Delete,” which covered the impacts of technology on the democratic process. Today, the students received congratulatory videos from San Jose mayor Sam Liccardo, former presidential candidate Andrew Yang and former Napster CEO Hank Barry. “Cmd-Delete” will be airing throughout today on C-SPAN’s networks, so be sure to tune in!

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Student documentary wins grand prize in C-SPAN StudentCam contest

“Cmd-Delete,” a short documentary created by juniors Jason Lin, Sara Yen and Amar Karoshi, was today named the grand prize winner of C-SPAN’s 2020 StudentCam contest. It also received the Fan Favorite award for receiving the most votes among the contest’s 12 finalists. The documentary, which explores the impact of technology on the electoral process, will air on C-SPAN throughout the day on April 21, starting at 6:50 a.m. EST. A cash prize of $5,000 also was awarded. Nearly 5,400 students submitted entries into this year’s contest, which invited students to produce short documentaries on national issues. Other topics covered this year included climate change, prison rights, health care and the separation of immigrant families.

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