SWFLA teacher visits Harker for annual exchange

During the second half of September, Harker welcomed Longxiang “Rick” Jiang, an English teacher at the Shanghai World Foreign Language Academy, as part of this year’s teacher exchange with the school. Jiang began his visit at the middle school, where he sat in on a variety of classes, including grade 8 American History, as well as some writing and English classes. He also taught three sessions of Xiuyu Gao’s Mandarin class.

Next, Jiang headed to the upper school, where he visited a business leadership class, an AP English literature class and a theater class, among others. As he did at the middle school, Jiang spent some time teaching to Shaun Jahshan’s Mandarin students.

Jiang wrapped up his visit with a day at the lower school, attending a special assembly with storyteller Jim Cogan and enjoying lunch with a group of teachers. Despite his busy schedule, Jiang did find some time for leisure, taking in the sights around San Francisco, Monterey and Santa Cruz!

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