Summer Construction Underway for Campus Improvements

With the school year over and campus activity very much reduced, summer has presented an ideal time for several construction projects. In late May and early June, a concrete pad was installed at the north end of Davis Field at the upper school campus, completing the first stage in the construction of new guest bleachers. From June 13 to 17, the new bleachers were assembled and now stand proudly just outside Shah Hall. Also during the week of June 13, new synthetic turf was placed at the north side of the training room.

Extensive work occurred at the upper school’s Manzanita Hall from late May through mid-July, as the upper and lower floors, which once served as dormitories for boarding students and, more recently, for some kitchen staff, were prepared to create new office space for the advancement office and the Office of Communication.

In June, new bricks were laid in the patio area outside Manzanita Hall, resulting in a much neater and more attractive spot for sitting and socializing. New trees were also planted for a more park-like atmosphere.

Earlier in June, a sunshade was installed at the grade 4-5 lunch patio on the south side of the gym at the lower school campus. Once summer school ends, Bucknall’s parking lot will be closed for three days for sealing and re-striping.

Also following the end of summer school, the north side of the upper school driveway will be re-paved. Dates have not yet been decided.