Students Filmed for Video on ACE Grant Recipients

Ashlee Jensen, national program coordinator for the Alliance for Climate Education (ACE), visited the Saratoga campus on June 25 to film rising juniors Shreya Indukuri and Daniela Lapidous as they discussed their efforts to improve green standards there.

The two students received a special grant from ACE in 2009 and used the money to help fund improvements to the campus. They included the installation of smart meters to monitor energy usage, adding insulation film to the windows of Shah Hall and the planting of an organic garden. The footage Jensen obtained will be used as part of a series of videos ACE is creating to highlight the schools that have received grants.

Indukuri and Lapidous plan to build upon these projects in the coming year. A public dashboard where students can view the school’s energy usage from their laptops should be available by the fall. They also want to become more involved with the gardening club, which was instrumental in planting the organic garden outside Shah Hall.