Students Celebrate 10th issue of “enlight’ning”

In late May, a special event was held at the Blackford campus to celebrate the 10th issue of “enlight’ning,” the middle school’s literature and arts magazine. Students who contributed to this year’s issue were invited to discuss their works and read them to the fellow students in attendance.

“What really inspired me to write this story was my neighbor’s brother actually came home from fighting in Iraq,” said Ishanya Anthapur, grade 8, of her short story “Hope For Me,” which is told from the perspective of a young girl in 1940’s England waiting for the bombs to fall. “I just found the whole thing really interesting, and I wanted to know a little more about World War II.”

Meilan Steimle, grade 6, presented her own piece about a girl who experiences precognitive dreams. “I wrote this story because I love paradoxes,” she said.

Matthew Ho, also grade 8, was inspired to draw his piece, titled “Melting World,” when he saw a little boy’s ice cream cone fall to the ground one day. “The most interesting thing is that his dad wouldn’t buy him another one,” he said. He saw the event as an inspiration for a piece about missed opportunities.