Student Wins First Place in Travel Writing Competition with Poignant China Memoir

“My mother was born just a few years before Mao died, living in a time when people kept the work ethic and spirit but not the stricter Socialist ideas. The life she spun in her stories possessed few physical luxuries, but was uniquely rich in spirit and ambition.” – Millie Lin

Last month, Millie Lin, grade 10, took first place in Family Travel Forum’s Teen Travel Writing Scholarship. Her piece, “Dirt-Caked Memories: A Story Revisited and Retold” was chosen from among 3,000 entries. In it, she details her journey back to the village in rural China where her mother spent her childhood. The poignant travelogue captures her mother’s memories of daily chores, rivalries with neighborhood children and growing up in Maoist China.

Entries were judged by professional writers, educators and journalists. Lin was awarded with a certificate and a $1,000 cash prize. Lin was thankful for the support of her teacher, Marc Hufnagl, who helped her with the essay by offering feedback in preparing it for submission.