Student Presents at Tech Titans Conference

An article at reports that Shreya Indukuri, Gr. 10, gave a presentation at the Tech Titans of Tomorrow: Teens Plugged In 2010 conference, hosted by SDForum in Mountain View. The conference drew students who helped improve the environmental standards of their schools through forward-thinking initiatives.

In her presentation, Indukuri discussed how more efficient energy usage could be leveraged by schools to reduce costs, which could prove quite valuable in a time of budgetary crisis. She used Harker as an example, showing that the school was able to save money by monitoring and controlling energy consumption at the lower school campus.

Indukuri and classmate Daniela Lapidous, Gr. 10, were to present at the Bay Area Schools Environmental Conference onĀ  May 1 at the Hayes Mansion in San Jose. Indukuri will also speak on a youth panel for the San Francisco Commonwealth Club on May 4, at the club’s office at 595 Market St. in San Francisco.

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