Jump Rope for Heart Raises Thousands!

Students from across the Bucknall campus took full advantage of the beautiful weather on March 19, which luckily coincided with the annual “Jump Rope For Heart” extravaganza.

The kids had been collecting donation pledges for the American Heart Association since January, and spent the day on a variety of stations set up to celebrate their efforts.

In the glow of the midday sun, students jumped rope, shot hoops, limboed, navigated miniature obstacle courses and even enjoyed a run through sets of small hurdles.

The Bucknall gym also provided some fun recreation, with more room set aside for jump rope activities. Some students got creative and set up a challenge in which students had to run back and forth under the twirling jump ropes.

Students also had the option to take a quick break and enjoy some healthy snacks over by the lunch tables. Nearby was the “Heart Wall,” where students could attach small paper hearts adorned with special messages for loved ones or others in need.

Donations were still rolling in after the day ended. When all donations were accounted for, exactly $7,000 had been raised.