Staff Kudos: Summer 2017

This article originally appeared in the summer 2017 issue of Harker Magazine.

Upper School Art Teacher’s Work Appears in Two Exhibits

In April, Pilar Agüero-Esparza’s work was featured in the ICONIC: Black Panther exhibit in Los Angeles, which showcased art inspired by the Black Panther Party. Later that same month, she was a featured artist in the stARTup Art Fair in San Francisco.

Preschool STEM Specialist Named Consulting Editor

In January Robyn Stone was named a consulting editor for the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), which specializes in promoting the learning of children 8 years old and younger. In this role, Stone will help ensure the quality of NAEYC publications, which include books and the “Young Children” magazine.

Science Teacher Featured on Website

Upper school teacher Chris Spenner was recognized as the featured teacher in May by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). The AAAS website published a brief Q&A with Spenner, who shared his reasons for becoming a teacher, the accomplishments he’s most proud of and his love for astrophotography.

Upper School English Teacher Published in Anthology

In February, upper school teacher Jennifer Siraganian was among 50 poets to be published in the annual “Best New Poets” anthology. Siraganian’s poem, “Monroe, Washington,” was selected from 2,000 nominations for publication in the book, which is available through Amazon.

Spanish Teacher Presents at Language Conference

In early March, upper school teacher Isabel Garcia presented on the classroom use of short films at the Southwest Conference on Language Teaching, held in Oklahoma. The workshop explained how short films can help students understand orally transmitted messages as well as use variations of a language’s structure both inside and outside the classroom. “ It was a great opportunity to present and share with fellow foreign language teachers my understanding of task-based learning,” Garcia said.
