Spring production of ‘High School Musical’ brings Disney megahit to the Harker stage

In late April, the Harker Conservatory presented the stage version of the hit Disney film “High School Musical,” directed by Laura Lang-Ree, in which the students of Albuquerque, N.M.’s East High School vie for parts in an upcoming production of “Romeo and Juliet.” Star athlete Troy (Kayvon Solaimanpour) and shy new girl Gabriella (Chetana Kalidindi) unexpectedly become the top candidates for the coveted lead roles, which threatens to undo the social order of East High.

Complex and energetic musical numbers, courtesy of musical director Catherine Snider and choreographer Katie Champlin, dazzled the audience, and set designer Paul Vallerga’s understated rendering of East High School allowed for a variety of settings, providing the cast with ample play room. The student crew, headed up by stage manager and Harker alum Michael Prutton ’11, kept things flowing behind the scenes to ensure a smooth production.
