Snowman-Grams Promote Holiday Cheer Among All Three Campuses

Each year the lower school Service and Spirit Club sells “snowman-grams” on all three of Harker’s campuses in an effort to promote holiday cheer and raise funds for various causes. Sold during the month of December for a dollar apiece, the ‘grams are delivered with a small bag of candy and an optional note to the Harker recipient of choice at the lower, middle and upper schools.

An annual contest is held amongst the fourth and fifth graders to select a handful of drawings that will be used for the ‘grams. This year Service and Spirit Club moderators reported having received 22 entries, of which they selected five winners. The winners were: grade 4 students Vidya Jeyendran, Sofia Fernandez and Ruya Ozveren, and grade 5 students Jasmine Wiese and Aarzu Gupta.

Last year the money raised by the ‘grams paid for racks outside of the gym lobby where grades 4-5 leave their belongings while at lunch or during assemblies. This year, the $636 raised was donated towards Superstorm Sandy relief efforts.
