Sixth graders explore North Bay: hiking, zip lines, ropes courses and more!

Harker sixth graders spent the week of Oct. 24-28 exploring the North Bay and the many sights and thrills it has to offer. Middle school division head Cindy Ellis sent updates during the week, and we added them to this story as they came in.

Day Three:

The sun yesterday was a glorious break from the rain we have encountered this week. Rain returned today, but so far it is very light. The promise of heavy rain tonight led us to have our campfire last night.

Award-winning skits were performed by each group followed by roasting marshmallows for s’mores! Hard to beat that combo!

Tuesday we celebrated Rahul Mulpuri’s birthday, and yesterday, Sarah Mohammed’s birthday. Today we will celebrate our last trip birthday with Sukrit Kalsi. One a day worked out nicely.

Today, I’ve attached some pics of the kids and a shot of the Bay Model – a part of the kayak day in Sausalito that has been very interesting and exciting for the students. The Bay Model is overseen by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, so the kids have been greeted by a docent who assertively states the expectations for a “military” level of focus and respect then she leads them on a fascinating tour through time in the Bay Area. The kayak groups for today are Caruso, Chang, Gao and Masoni.

We have received rave reviews from the staff here who have offered to just keep the kids since they have been so polite (lots of “pleases” and “thank yous”) and the dining hall is now looking as good when we leave as it did when we came in. All those lessons on clearing the table and wiping it down are paying off!

Day Two:

The rains took a break yesterday afternoon and it looks like today will be dry. The kids enjoyed a smooth day on the water yesterday and were very fascinated by and impressed with the Bay Model.

The zip line, climbing wall and ropes course engage everyone and challenge each to try something new. The naturalists are great at bringing the groups together to work on various activities and projects.

Lasagna for dinner last night and it was so cheesy good, the line for seconds was extensive. Freshly baked chocolate chip cookies put big smiles on many faces.

Another big breakfast, lunches packed (we’re getting the hang of making lunch and cleaning up) and the kids set off in their groups. Kayaking today will be the Huntley, Anderson, Morrissey and Morgensen groups.

I am so proud of this group! They exhibit both stamina and resilience! They also show signs of having a lot of fun; their laughter and screams of joy echo through the hills here. I’ve attached several pics of the different activities and will try now to focus on some of those happy faces.

Day One:

We started our first full day here in Santa Rosa. Group B (Schmidt, Chow, Pazirandeh and Peng) are off to Sausalito for some kayaking (weather permitting) and the Bay Model.

Last night we had a great dinner of roasted chicken or a delicious ragu of eggplant and tofu over rice or pasta along with a green salad and green beans. The crowning glory was the freshly baked (still warm) chocolate brownies!

We celebrated Saahil Thoppay’s birthday and he enjoyed the acknowledgment along with the birthday hat he wore through dinner! The kids are real troopers as they get accustomed to staying dry or drying out. We are promised dry skies this afternoon and all day tomorrow. Yesterday they all went through the training needed to stay safe on the ropes course.

This morning we were greeted with a light rain and an amazing breakfast off scrambled eggs, French toast, hot oatmeal, yogurt, cottage cheese, fresh fruit, cold cereals and juice.

The kids all packed their lunches for the day’s activities, filled their water bottles and headed out for the day.
