Senior’s history essay published in academic journal

Senior Andrew Lu will be featured in the winter 2020 issue of the Concord Review, an academic journal that publishes historical research papers by high school students. Lu’s essay on Deng Xiaoping, the former paramount leader of China from 1978 to 1989, “focuses on the underpinnings of modern China,” Lu said. “I chose the topic because China is something that continues to remain at the forefront of political discussion and tensions continue to grow, so it’s more important than ever to have an informed understanding of China’s modern foundation when considering U.S.-China relations and policy actions.”

The essay surveys Deng’s reforms and their current impact on China, including Deng’s ideological and philosophical motivations and the role his reforms play in present-day Chinese politics. Lu’s research was done mainly through libraries and by “using Harker’s incredibly abundant databases,” he said. “I received some guidance and advice later in the process from history teachers and librarians, particularly history teacher Byron Stevens and librarians Meredith Cranston, Amy Pelman and Lauri Vaughan.”
