Senior Paper On Short List for Concord Review

Alyssa Donovan, Gr. 12, has her research paper, “Whaling in the International Whaling Commission: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Organization’s Failures,” selected for potential publication in The Concord Review, over the next year. The Review will notify Donovan a month before publication if selected. Donovan wrote the paper for Ramsey Westgate’s International Issues and Public Policy class, and it was presented earlier this spring at the Harker Research Symposium.

The paper deals with Donovan’s perception of the need to transform the IWC’s “bureaucratic and power structure to allow for enforcement of laws, re-evaluate its policy-making strategies to fairly and accurately portray both current scientific data as well as the nation-states affected, and …extend the reach of both its enforcement and political policy to non-state as well as state actors.” Concord Review founder Will Fitzhugh thanked Donovan for what he called a very good paper.

Donovan worked with several faculty members on the piece, including librarians Lauri Vaughan and Sue Smith. Smith noted the acceptance is a historic moment in Harker history and Anita Chetty, science department chair and organizer of the Harker Research Symposium said, “This is an incredible achievement,” and suggested the paper be made available for teaching purposes.

Founded in 1987, The Concord Review is a quarterly academic journal which publishes 10 or 11 papers per issue from around the world. It only publishes about seven percent of submissions and over 10 percent published authors attend Harvard, with many others attending Princeton, Stanford and Oxford

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