Senior Moms and Dads Honored at Special Luncheon

This article was originally published in the summer 2013 Harker Quarterly.

In May the upper school’s gym was transformed into an elegantly set, festive luncheon honoring the parents of this year’s graduating class, featuring speeches, photo collages and delicious food.

This annual event has grown substantially over the years, from its 2004 rootsas a simple moms’ potluck lunch; as of last year dads are also included. Tables displayed colorful photo montages and quotes from the seniors on what they used to think they wanted to be when they grew up.

Admiring the collages was participant Kari Wolff, mother of senior Drew Goldstein. Wolff said her son had been attending Harker since seventh grade and soon will be heading off to Duke University. Thanks to Harker, however, she said she has little concern about how well prepared he is for the rigors of university life, because, “Harker is as good as college!”

She added that when her son arrived at Harker in middle school he quickly connected with peers who are sure to remain friends for life.

Following the luncheon, all the moms and dads in attendance received a memento of the emotional occasion which kicked off graduation week celebrations. Wolff said the event would have been more bittersweet had it not been for the fact that she has another son (Arthur, grade 9) at the upper school, giving her “a few more years of being a Harker parent.”