Second Graders Hand Deliver Colorful Painted Pumpkins to Neighbors

In a show of neighborly good will, grade 2 students recently painted and hand-delivered pumpkins to residents living near the lower school campus.

The pumpkin painting and delivery to local neighbors took place in late October, just in time for Halloween. An annual outreach and community service project for the lower school students, the painting effort this year was held for this first time in the art room.

After decorating the pumpkins and allowing them to dry, the students then walked around the neighborhood, delivering pumpkins on porches along with cards.

“This was their annual service project to say ‘thank you’ to the local residents for being such good neighbors,” reported Gerry-louise Robinson, who facilitated the painting part of the outreach activity. Students painted in her art room during their health education classes (one class at a time) with members of the BEST staff on hand to assist in the effort.

For student Kabir Ramzan, the biggest challenge was to “make the pumpkins really colorful.” Working in small groups he and his fellow classmates succeeded by painting in various hues of blue, green, yellow and red. They also gave each pumpkin its own special smile.
“It was action-packed and non-stop …. Utilizing the art room helped to make the event more meaningful and fun!” said Robinson, adding that the students really embraced drawing faces on the pumpkins, putting expressions and details that made each one a unique gift.

“It was marvelous how the children carefully chose colors and applied them. Seeing the pumpkins all lined up ready to be delivered looked very charming indeed,” she added.

“This is a really good project. I think it’s something the neighbors will like!” enthused student Aeliya Grover.

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