Second Annual Spaghetti Dinner Delights First and Second Grade Families

Lower school parents rose to the occasion in late March to serve first and second grade families, students and teachers at the second annual Spaghetti Dinner. Head chefs Mustafa Gurleroglu (Emma, grade 2) and Justin Bronder (Sophia, grade 1) led a diligent and dedicated crew of parents who spent much of the day preparing bread, sauce, salad and, of course, mounds of spaghetti noodles. They later served it to the many hungry attendees lining up at the lower school cafeteria, whose smiling faces (and empty plates) indicated that the meals were well-received.

With their hard work done, the parents who worked the event sat down to enjoy the food themselves, while meeting and socializing with other Harker parents. Rainy weather kept the festivities indoors at the lower school gym, but the students nevertheless had fun playing with their friends and making new ones.
