Kudos for Fundraising, Performing, Hole in One

Over the summer, David Zhu, Gr. 5, and a friend helped raise $1,000 for needy children in China’s Sichuan province. They gave the money directly to the children so that they could purchase school supplies.

Justin Culpepper, Gr. 5, made a hole-in-one at the Santa Teresa Short Course on Aug. 30. The young golf enthusiast began group lessons in early August and had visited the Deep Cliff, Blackberry and Pruneridge courses before trying his hand at Santa Teresa. Culpepper was recognized by the San Jose Mercury News for his achievement on the links.

Three Harker student musicians had the pleasure of performing at the Music@Menlo Summer Chamber Music Festival in Atherton this summer. Cellist Jeffrey Kwong, Gr. 10, violinist Ashvin Swaminathan, Gr. 9 and pianist Agata Sorotokin, Gr. 7, performed at the festival under the direction of Wu Han and David Finckel, artistic directors at the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center. Each year, 28 students from ages eight to 18 are chosen internationally to perform at the festival. The students received instruction and coaching from several notable musicians, including Anthony McGill, who performed on clarinet at the inauguration of President Barack Obama.
