Returned Camera Puts Global Education in Perspective

A camera lost by a student from Tamagawa Gakuen during a trip to Korea was recently recovered thanks to a kind citizen who researched the Harker name.

During a trip to Japan in May, Spencer and Connor Powers met with their Tamagawa buddy Yusei Sakamoto, whose mother took many photos of the Powers’ visit. Later in the summer, Yusei and his mother were vacationing in South Korea, and the camera was unfortunately lost on a bus in Seoul.

Another bus rider, Heywon Chae, discovered the camera and began looking through the photos for clues as to whom it may have belonged. In it, she found the photos of Spencer and Connor wearing their Harker uniforms and did some quick research.

Chae soon found the Harker website and e-mailed Liat Noten at Harker’s Office of Communication, who forwarded the message to Jennifer Abraham, director of global education. After several more e-mails, the camera was finally sent back to its rightful owners in Tokyo, who were eternally grateful to Chae for her kindness and good will.

Abraham was pleased to find that the situation had come to a satisfying conclusion despite the long distances reached to resolve it, saying that it “really personifies the essence of what global education is all about!”
