Preschool STEM lab updated and already in action

The Harker Preschool STEM lab got a makeover, and the young ones are having a ball in the updated facility with teacher Amanda Crook! “The transitional kindergartners were excited to explore all the new stations,” said Caren Drezner, preschool director. “They have STEM journals now to document their discoveries, record observations and draw pictures of their creations. 

“Amanda’s vision for the new STEM program is to provide thought-provoking settings for the children to explore,” continued Drezner. “She wants the space to spark curiosity and inquiry as the children grapple with concepts from all areas of the sciences and math strands, as well as incorporate elements of technology and engineering. The new Makerspace and Loose Parts allow the children to design and test out ideas, while Amanda is at the ready to scaffold their learning and challenge their thinking.” Just check out the photos – too much fun!

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