Preschool Art Gallery Opening

Harker Preschool held an Amazing Art Show opening reception and presentation last week. Alexandria Kerekez, preschool visual arts specialist, showed off the children’s artwork and discussed the process and techniques strengthened through the various projects.

Some of the projects reflect a collaborative effort over an extended period of time. For example, the Acorn children (ages 4 and 5) collaborated over the past two months to construct a grand scale “passenger airplane” complete with detailed renderings of the travelers. Their peers in the Clover cottage (also ages 4 and 5) elected to focus their efforts on weaving. Over the last two months, the students beautified the campus with colorful woven works installed on the fences and also fashioned one-of-a-kind woven works from repurposed textiles.

Meanwhile, the 3-year-olds have been studying the fundamentals of ceramics. Efforts with techniques like “slab” and “coil” involve a wealth of important skills like 3-D design and vocabulary acquisition. Their unique sculptures are currently on display and demonstrate the children’s patience and perseverance with a new technical, multiple-step process.

The current gallery showcase will be on display until the end of April and the next and final gallery show will be linked with Harker’s annual Grandparents’ Day event in May.
