Picnic Idol Night

In April several students enjoyed a special night at the home of Head of School Chris Nikoloff for “American Idol” night, as part of a picnic silent auction package. Siobhan Cox, Gr. 9, won this event at the Auction Under the Stars at this year’s Family & Alumni Picnic. She turned the occasion into a celebration of her birthday, inviting friends Tiphaine Delepine, Molly Ellenberg, Michaela Kastelman, Rachel Yanovsky and Emily Wang, all Gr. 9.

Cox and friends enjoyed a specially-cooked Chinese dinner of lettuce wraps, won tons, pot stickers and chicken prepared by Harker’s own chefs and served by Nikoloff, helped by his son, Alexander, age 3 [Ed.: He’s now 4!]. The birthday cake was made of ice cream, Cox’s favorite, and this one had Oreos as well.

After dinner and birthday cake the girls had a hilarious time with Nikoloff watching “American Idol” and arguing about who was the best singer. Cox and her parents were impressed with Nikoloff’s refusal to let anyone help with serving and clearing the table, and with the gift boxes each girl was sent home with containing “leftovers” (in reality an iTunes gift card). Be on the lookout at next year’s picnic for your chance to enjoy some quality time with our head of school!