Parents Enjoy Class on 21st Century Parenting

Joe Connolly, LS dean of students, is a sought-after speaker of family topics and widely known for his expertise and powerful speaking on parenting teens and young children. This summer, he brought his expertise to Harker in a special class. Connolly, author and creator of “3 STEPS to Parenting Teens” and the “One Minute Rule,” is one of the founders of Good Parents, Inc.. In his class this summer, he shared his knowledge with Harker and non-Harker families in two week-long evening workshops titled “Tools for Effective Parenting in the 21st Century” –  one for Gr. 1-4 parents and one for Gr. 5-8 parents.

Parents enjoyed the class and were thankful for the tips. Tricia Swanson, parent of Megan, Gr. 4, and Stephanie, Gr. 3, reported, “(Husband) Michael and I very much enjoyed the parenting class this summer. We took away some good ideas. Joe has a lot of great information.”

Nina Smith, parent of Grant, K, said, “I am always interested in parenting classes and the psychology of kids. This class was very interesting and gave me some new ideas and helpful tips that I have been able to practice; and they work!”

Smith added, “Mr. Connolly kept the class interesting and funny. I think a good sense of humor in dealing with kids is a must!” Connolly included information on how to understand one’s children better, to communicate based on your child’s developmental level, and provided tools and skills to help with everyday parenting. This is the first year Connolly has offered his classes at Harker, and by all accounts, they were a success. Harker may offer similar classes in the fall, so watch for more news!
