Parent Development Council Goes the Extra Mile on Behalf of Harker

This story originally appeared in the fall 2013 Harker Quarterly.

With more than 100 members, Harker’s Parent Development Council (PDC) is a dedicated group of parent volunteers who work on behalf of the students to raise this year’s goal of $1.6 million to fund student programs such as field trips, the arts, athletics, library, technology and much more.

Near the start of every school year, these parents reach out to the rest of the parent body to secure annual giving gifts and pledges. “PDC members are committed to the success of our students and the school community,” said Melinda Gonzales, Harker’s managing director of advancement.

New PDC members are nominated either by current members or Harker faculty and staff. Nominations are reviewed by the school administration, and invitations to join are issued in May of each year for the following school year.

“We would like to extend our sincere gratitude for all that these important parent volunteers do for the students,” said Gonzales, noting that a complete list of PDC members is accessible via the Harker website at