Orchestra students to participate in Kronos Quartet’s 50 for the Future Program

This week and next week, 16 members of The Harker Orchestra will be working with Kronos Quartet – which will perform Feb. 28 at the Patil Theater – as part of its 50 for the Future program. The students will head to San Francisco this week to begin working on a piece commissioned by Kronos for the purpose of helping young musicians develop their skills for contemporary music. Their work will continue next week when Kronos Quartet visits Harker to give a special master class.

Students participating in the program are: Rachel Broweleit, Hanoom Lee, Arushi Nety, Amla Rashingkar, Jackie Yang and Jeffrey Yang, all grade 12; Sophia Horng and Maria Vazhaeparambil, both grade 11; Lucas Chen, Alex Hu, Thresia Vazhaeparambi, Austin Wang, April Zhang and Tina Zhong, all grade 10; and Sawyer Lai and Cassie May, both grade 9.

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