New Conservatory Students Learn the Basics at Workshops

In September and October, freshmen performing arts apprentices attended a series of required workshops intended to help them get to know one another and familiarize them with technical and behavioral standards expected of students in the Harker Conservatory’s certificate program.

At the first workshop, students introduced themselves to each other and talked about their chosen disciplines. The students also learned about every aspect of the Conservatory’s certificate program, “so that they fully know what to expect during their four years,” said Laura Lang-Ree, K-12 performing arts chair. Students then broke up into four groups and rotated through workshops in dance, singing, acting and instrumental music, with each group led by a Conservatory advisor.

The second workshop taught the students various technical aspects they will be required to learn, such as being part of a support crew, running spotlights and moving and building sets. At the final workshop, called the etiquette workshop, apprentices were shown the standards of good behavior onstage, backstage and in the audience.
