Musical Takes Audiences ‘Into the Woods’

Crowds packed the Blackford Theater in May to catch two performances of the MS spring musical. This year, the troupe put on a rousing performance of the Broadway mainstay “Into the Woods,” Stephen Sondheim’s masterpiece, which intertwines the stories surrounding several popular fairy tale characters, such as Little Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel and Cinderella. In the process, the story also reveals the consequences of the characters’ actions and how they affect the lives of those around them. Because of the small cast size, the show was double-cast, meaning one group of performers did the show one night, and a second complete cast performed the next show.

MS performing arts teacher Kikau Alvaro directed and choreographed the casts, who sang and danced admirably throughout the elaborate production. Music teacher Roxann Hagemeyer was the musical director, while Paul Vallerga designed the beautiful scenery and props. The production was also helped along by student crew members Nicolas Semenza and Jeton Gutierrez, both Gr. 6, Wilbur Yang, Gr. 8 and Brian Tuan, Gr. 7.
