Museum Trip Always Revealing

The Gr. 3 class took a trip to the Oakland Museum on Feb. 18 as a special addendum to their lessons about California history. “The museum has always had a terrific California history display which brought history alive for the students,” said history teacher Howard Saltzman.

Students viewed exhibits containing information about the Native American population in California, the mission system and the California gold rush. “I had quite a few students running up to me saying that the docents showed them artifacts and talked about what we had been learning in the classroom,” Saltzman noted.

Gr. 3 science teacher Tamara Kley-Contini also had the students spend some time at the museum’s natural history section.

Saltzman said the museum will be closed for approximately a year to complete renovations that have been ongoing for the previous two years. “We will all look forward to the completion of this renovation project,” Saltzman said.